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View Full Version : Film Developing and Scanning

  1. Digital Film Converter / Film Scanner (3 replies)
  2. Noritsu... What lab?? (3 replies)
  3. Photo Vision Prints? (5 replies)
  4. Is there a benefit to trying different labs? (2 replies)
  5. local film labs (2 replies)
  6. Lab for processing/scanning 110 film? (2 replies)
  7. resizing rpl scans (6 replies)
  8. rpl vs. indie (4 replies)
  9. Need to Scan some Negatives from 2006 (3 replies)
  10. CS Film Lab? (1 replies)
  11. Scan Comparison - Cheap vs. Pro Lab (12 replies)
  12. Scanning 35mm at home (3 replies)
  13. Turn around time for a film session? (15 replies)
  14. Indie Film Lab Questions (10 replies)
  15. Develop at home but scan at a lab? (6 replies)
  16. Just sent 9 rolls to RPL...the bill is going to give me a heart attack. (6 replies)
  17. Indie is taking forever! (7 replies)
  18. Just dropped off my first rolls at Pro Photo in Irvine!!! (4 replies)
  19. Toronto Film Labs (0 replies)
  20. Developing Relationship with a Lab (0 replies)
  21. Send test rolls to pro lab? arg! (11 replies)
  22. Has anyone used thedarkroom.com for developing? (14 replies)
  23. I need some help.... (6 replies)
  24. "drugstore" film to.... (10 replies)
  25. trying again (4 replies)
  26. Question about scans (4 replies)
  27. how to know if scans are 'good' (3 replies)
  28. question (6 replies)
  29. help please (4 replies)
  30. How you ship film, and size of scan to order? (5 replies)
  31. Developing B&W Film At Home - What to Buy (7 replies)
  32. It all starts with a cute apron (3 replies)
  33. What is happening here??? (7 replies)
  34. Anyone scanning their own? (22 replies)
  35. My first roll of 2012 (10 replies)
  36. Which lab is your favorite? (11 replies)
  37. HOLGA 120N share (5 replies)
  38. negatives to digital (5 replies)
  39. Exposure comparison for Fuji and Portra... (13 replies)
  40. List Of Labs for Developing and Scanning (18 replies)
  41. Indie Lab re-opening!! (11 replies)
  42. Scan comparisons (13 replies)
  43. Playing with scanning..... (14 replies)
  44. Whoa check this RPL scan out!!!!! (16 replies)
  45. Need some recommendations for basic darkroom equipment :D (2 replies)
  46. First roll of 120 (14 replies)
  47. lesson of the day... don't under expose color film! (7 replies)
  48. Black&White Negative Developing (11 replies)
  49. Traditional Darkroom Reference Books (6 replies)
  50. First Roll For The Indie Guys (8 replies)
  51. anyone use miller's to develop film? (3 replies)
  52. Another try... (20 replies)
  53. ruined negatives! (4 replies)
  54. a new blog and lab...... (9 replies)
  55. FIND laboratory for developing... (13 replies)
  56. gReAT post comparing rpl to ncps... (11 replies)
  57. dwayne's photos for scanning??? (3 replies)
  58. scans-Costco vs RPL vs Walgreens (14 replies)
  59. scans-Walgreens vs RPL (23 replies)
  60. walgreens printing... (12 replies)
  61. Film share! Image heavy (14 replies)