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View Full Version : All About Exposure

  1. choosing proper aperture (5 replies)
  2. Goofy - exposure question (7 replies)
  3. Manual Metering Q on 5D Mark III (3 replies)
  4. Grainy Photos (6 replies)
  5. Help with exposure/metering whites please! (5 replies)
  6. Setting Kelvin WB (7 replies)
  7. Inconsistent colors on a 5D Mark III (7 replies)
  8. Corrupt jpeg files - fixable? (3 replies)
  9. Where to start (6 replies)
  10. RAW was accidentally changed to med RAW and didn't notice (2 replies)
  11. Setting Kelvin for Sunset (7 replies)
  12. focusing and camera settings (8 replies)
  13. Why would I use a "Foot Candle Light Meter"? (5 replies)
  14. all the sudden experiencing noise in d700 (3 replies)
  15. Who, what, when, where, & why (6 replies)
  16. zoom length and shutter speed (13 replies)
  17. Wrestling with White Balance! (14 replies)
  18. Lighting woes for nighttime wedding? (7 replies)
  19. "Liquid Clarity," Proper Exposure and Dimension (17 replies)
  20. Why point your camera at the sky before taking a photo? (30 replies)
  21. Silhouettes (14 replies)
  22. Histograms!!!! (2 replies)
  23. Can someone please explain spot metering to me? (12 replies)
  24. Cannot Change Shutter Speed (8 replies)
  25. Black subject (2 replies)
  26. What did I do wrong? (7 replies)
  27. Shooting on an overcast day (13 replies)
  28. How do you nail exposure, every time? (15 replies)
  29. Camera keeps saying "Busy"? (10 replies)
  30. Do you use the same f stop for a whole session? (8 replies)
  31. ISO - Where to stop!? (21 replies)
  32. What should a histogram look like? (4 replies)
  33. Kelvin Explained + Examples (13 replies)
  34. Tips for Backlighting? (21 replies)
  35. exosure with subject in front of window (4 replies)
  36. Freezing Motion (10 replies)
  37. Canon spot metering and focus? (7 replies)
  38. Choosing an f-stop? (13 replies)
  39. Spot Metering (13 replies)
  40. Ugh, HELP.... Please... (12 replies)
  41. Metering and Preferred Exposure (11 replies)
  42. Please help!!! (7 replies)
  43. Kill me now! (13 replies)
  44. PHX area tog willing to do mentoring (15 replies)
  45. Shooting Wide Open (25 replies)
  46. How do you shoot with a grey card? (11 replies)
  47. Quickie (6 replies)
  48. I feel like this is backwards (7 replies)
  49. Spot metering (16 replies)
  50. gray card question (10 replies)
  51. shooting Mode - which do you use most often? (29 replies)
  52. Skin Tones Question (2 replies)
  53. aperture for a family of 5 (10 replies)
  54. Family posing help -- pretttttty please! (12 replies)
  55. TUTUORIAL TUESDAY | "The Triad" | shutter speed, aperture and ISO, explained (44 replies)
  56. Yummy Light (10 replies)
  57. Kelvin + Live View = WB bliss (61 replies)
  58. What is the problem? (6 replies)
  59. Metering modes...help? (9 replies)
  60. Please help me with my settings... (22 replies)
  61. 6400 iso (12 replies)
  62. Auto ISO? (11 replies)
  63. Nikon D700 Manuel Mode Question (2 replies)
  64. ISO Help (5 replies)
  65. Suggestions for making the most of a Bad Lighting situation... (11 replies)
  66. Nikon D700 Question (7 replies)
  67. Kelvin temps for WB, anyone??? (16 replies)
  68. Photo Carts (8 replies)
  69. Calling all Nikon gals... D700 and Active D Lighting (13 replies)
  70. Large Family Photo Suggestions/Tips (6 replies)
  71. for those of you with the 5D Mark II... (24 replies)
  72. Grey Card Lens Cap (5 replies)
  73. Blinkie Frustrated! (7 replies)
  74. Settings for children (6 replies)
  75. Lighting outdoors around sunset (0 replies)
  76. Help with morning shoot - backlighting (22 replies)
  77. Back Lighting Tips? (26 replies)
  78. Compositionally challenged... (14 replies)
  79. Shutter Speed, Aperture and ISO settings (6 replies)
  80. Macro Photography - tips? (38 replies)
  81. Canon Metering Modes (15 replies)